How to Access the MOST EFFECTIVE Way to Heal ANY Area of Your Life Without All the Hassle.

Ever felt bogged down by life's challenges? Exhausted by the endless search for a genuine, lasting solution? Dive deep into the essence of holistic wellness without the unnecessary complications. Introducing the definitive way to tap into your innate healing potential.

If you are ready to forget the needless frills...

Bid farewell to endless rituals....

Let go of the tedious practices that have promised results but never delivered...

This is pure, transformative energy healing, streamlined just for you. Every single day, for an entire year, allow yourself to be enveloped in the curative power of this revolutionary product.

Watch the entire video. Experience firsthand the potency of a solution that resonates with your deepest self.

Your journey to REAL, EFFECTIVE healing starts here.

Order Now and Save $4000 &
Receive 3 Additional Healing Programs for FREE!

I wasn't expecting direct help to improve as an education specialist!

"It was evident in a couple of cases that what I experienced on my day was connected to the healing being sent. I write curriculum for elementary grades and have been struggling to create assessment items. Then one day I just sat to work and was able to complete almost 2 weeks of work on a single day!"



I felt like all the healing energy inside of Bliss Up had my back!

" My boss has advanced my pay and bought me wonderful gifts and gave me a Xmas bonus - I have only been working with her for 2 weeks! I know all the healing I received with the Bliss app helped me change my energy and allowed me to experience amazing results and fast!"



I highly recommend Bliss Up to others!

"At the start of the remote healing I felt sadness coming up and cried.. released felt at peace around me. It was Amazing the Change from before and afterwards was remarkable..healers help me relax and my physical health has started to energize and have been healing well."



Here's What It Is:

The single most EFFECTIVE way to heal is to receive remote energy healing, but what exactly is it?

  1. 1
    You don’t need to be in the same physical space as a healing professional to experience the energy shift.
  2. 2
    Master Energy Healers are able to open up their state of consciousness & connect to a field of energy where these limitations don’t exist.
  3. 3
    That energy isn’t confined by time or space or the reality you experience in your daily lives.
  4. 4
    After they connect to this source, divine, universal energy… they can focus on sending it to you. Across time and space – because those things don’t exist when they’re plugged in – they send you the healing you need.

No short of a Miracle, cleared Under Active Thyroid in just 2 days.

"Virginia was extremely kind and did a remote healing on my daughter. The next day i got the recommended tests done for her and today i got the results back and amazingly its showing no sign of under active thyroid. This is no short of a miracle, just in two days of my telling Virginia and her doing the remote session on my daughter, she is cleared."



First time in 7 years my practitioner said I was getting better.

"My hopes are that things continue to move this well, I have had some pain from lymph drainage of a very overburdened system but well worth it! Yesterday I saw my nurse practitioner/lightworker/herbalist and for the first time in 7 years she said I was getting better!"



The cysts on my liver were gone. Amazing!!

"After years of suffering and huge doses of painkillers, I was now pain free at last, what a miracle!!!"

F.H. Cork


Here's What It Will Do For You:

  1. 1
    HEAL from challenges you may have been told were “un-heal-able.” (Pains, aches, imbalances, mood disorders, infections, insomnia, past injuries, cravings, and more.)
  2. 2
    Notice a distinct SHIFT in whatever you’re feeling BLOCKED by right now… FAST. (Communication with that one person suddenly feels easier. Your right knee isn’t stiff when you wake up. You get an unexpected check in the mail, or a promotion, or a new client!)
  3. 3
    Feel CONNECTED to the life you’ve always wanted to live. (Your anxiety goes down, WAY down. You tap into joy more easily. Your fears seem to dissipate. “Problems” come and go, but you feel grounded & safe through them all.)
  4. 4
    Experience that “PINCH ME” moment when you realize the things you’ve wanted for decades are actually becoming reality. (Living abundantly as you travel the world. Retiring with a gorgeous cabin by the lake. Finding meaning and purpose that fulfills you. Fearlessly making your bucket list dreams happen.)

I feel younger, and have noticed a big improvement in bladder function.

"The scores for the adrenals and immune system have really come up. I find the healing to be very thorough, well-organized, and supportive."



have a clearer mind with less stress and have had the best sleep at night since!!!

"The healing upgraded my master cell of my glands which supports several hormones in my body. I have a clearer mind with less stress and have had the best sleep at night since!!! This is all controlled by hormones controlled by the glands. I highly recommend"



Extreme Reduction of Pain and Swelling

"I felt an extreme reduction of pain and swelling from the healing. The severity of issues went from a 10-4. There’s been a continued reduction in pain and inflammation and I am feeling lifted, joyful and more connected"



Here's Why You Need This:

If You Can Relate To ANY Of These Statements...  Bliss Up Was Specifically Created for You...To Help YOU Heal - Finally!

  1. 1
    There’s SOMETHING in your life that you wish you could change. (Physical, emotional, relational, financial, or something else.)
  2. 2
    Maybe you wake up with aches & pains that limit what activities & experiences you say “yes” to throughout the day.
  3. 3
    Perhaps you feel like you exist between waves of anxiety & depression and wonder what life would be like if you just felt peace.
  4. 4
    Or your relationship with your spouse is full of tension. You feel like you heat up with resentment when they start talking to you, or when you see dirty dishes in the sink… AGAIN. But you’d rather feel love, connection, joy.
  5. 5
    Maybe you make enough money to get by and live a good life, but you wonder what it would be like to make MORE than enough. To have an over-abundance of wealth that it’s simply never a concern.
  6. 6
    You’ve TRIED the “traditional” remedies that “should” solve your issue. (Western medicine, therapy, prescriptions, working harder, melatonin, breathwork, supplements, and probably a whole lot more.)
  7. 7
    After that, you’re still left searching for something… deeper. Faster. Longer lasting. More effective. Easier. With no consequences or side effects.
  8. 8
    And you DON’T have thousands and thousands of dollars to shell out on making this change – considering what you’ve probably already spent on it so far.

Healing of thyroid, pancreas, candida and other physical issues

"I have experienced profound and rapid changes in all aspects of my life. Most profound in this recent time has been the healing of thyroid, pancreas, candida and other physical issues. Emotional underpinnings were removed instantaneously."



Arm Pain Gone and Mobile Again

"My right upper arm was in tremendous pain, it was not mobile. After just a few minutes of healing the hand on my arm, I fell into a calm and peace and the healing began. The next day, my arm pain was gone and my arm was mobile again."



I am off my antidepressants!

"After receiving the healing and the mp3's for about 6 months now- I can tell you I am off my antidepressants ( which has been a 20 year battle) and I am feeling better everyday. I am looking forward to creating a bright life and I did not think that was possible."



Here's How It Works:

  1. 1
    Receive DAILY Remote Healing for an ENTIRE YEAR From one of our Master Energy Healers featured in the ground breaking docuseries, "Exploring Energy the Ultimate Healer."
  2. 2
    The healers have the names of Bliss Up member and are updated every time someone new joins. These healers are the best in the world at sending healing energy to people who aren't physically anywhere near them or even on the phone with them. You don't have to 'do' a thing!
  3. 3
    If you were to hire these Master Healers privately, you’d have to pay THOUSANDS per month to experience their work every day. By joining Bliss Up, you can receive DAILY energy healing from these outstanding professionals, for a tiny fraction of the cost.
  4. 4
    Attend weekly LIVE Group Healing Calls. These calls are your opportunity to ask one of our Master Healers your questions directly. (Access to these healers would normally cost a premium. But these weekly calls are INCLUDED in your Bliss Up membership.)
  5. 5
    You’ll receive mini scans by our healers during these calls to figure out exactly what is causing your issue - whether that be money blocks, success blocks, health blocks - AND healings to fix these issues (or any topic of your choosing.)
  6. 6
    Personal Requests For Specific Healing: When you want SPECIFIC energy healing around an upcoming presentation that you’re hoping will result in a pay increase…Or you’re recovering from an injury on your left shoulder and want healing sent there…Or there’s a certain relationship in your life that’s creating heartbreak…You can submit your REQUEST for exactly what you’d like energy healing on.
  7. 7
    Community of People Just Like You: We don’t often meet “our kind” in line at Starbucks. It feels so GOOD to engage with, collaborate with, and connect with people who GET exactly what’s meaningful and important to you. This group gives you the opportunity to do just that. It is a safe space of kindred souls who are all supporting each other’s healing journey.
  8. 8
    The Complete Bliss Up Energy Healing Library: Need a boost to your energy? Want to improve your eyesight? Looking to clear out blocks? Bliss Up’s Extensive Energy Healing Library is just want you need for On Demand healing. Featured healers and some of our top healers have gifted you some of their most powerful healings, activations and clearings. All you need to do is access them when you need them!
  9. 9
    Exclusive Pricing on Private Energy Healing Sessions: Private sessions are NOT required in order to experience daily healing.However, some of our members REALLY want to go deeper. Which is why we give them exclusive access to private sessions for prices that will NEVER be made available to the general public.
  10. 10
    10% OFF on most “From Heartache To Joy” Energy Healing Programs: As a member of Bliss Up you will receive an exclusive members only discount on ALL of our energy healing programs we offer with our Master Energy Healers.That way, if there is a specific healing program that speaks to your soul, and you choose to dive even deeper down the path of energy healing with our Master Healers, you’ll get the BEST PRICE!

Here's What You Get

$2.73 per day

Save $4000

Annual payment of $997
(payment plans available)

We want to make sure Bliss Up is super affordable to ANYONE that wants to become a member and receive energy healing 24/7 for an ENTIRE YEAR without all the hassle. That's why there are payment plans available for you! 

Click the 'I WANT IN THE GROUP' button to learn more.

  • DAILY Remote Healing From a Master Energy Healer for an ENTIRE YEAR
  • Weekly LIVE Group Healing Calls
  • Personal Requests For Specific Healing
  • Community of People Just Like You
  • The Complete Bliss Up Energy Healing Library
  • Exclusive Pricing on Private Energy Healing Sessions
  • 10% OFF on most “From Heartache To Joy” Energy Healing Programs


BONUS 1: Virginia Rounds Griffiths'...

Master Your Divine Energy Matrix

Unwind life's chaos and reconnect to your core with Virginia's Master Your Divine Energy Matrix. Dive deep and transform, experiencing profound healing today.

12 MP3 Clearings

Dive into 12 transformative healing MP3s. Rejuvenate chakra health, release past life burdens, and purify your environment. Plus, uniquely neutralize GMO food effects with Virginia's 'Alchemise & Alkalise' track. Experience comprehensive healing for both body and space.


2 Prerecorded Group Healing Sessions

Join Virginia in 2 prerecorded group sessions, delving deep into advanced healing topics. Tackle issues like Entity and Implant Removals, address the Assemblage Point, release Genetic Blockages, and combat Technopathic Stress. Unlock holistic wellness and go beyond the ordinary.


Grab 3 bonus on-the-go MP3s, designed for discreet play without sound. Instantly access tools to Alchemise & Alkalise GMO Foods, counteract Food Intolerances, and engage in Liquid Alchemising. A silent, yet powerful companion for holistic health anytime, anywhere.

Specialized MP3 Clearing

Introducing a specialized healing MP3 addressing modern health concerns: Counteract the effects of X-Rays, Microwaves, MRI and CT Scans, and even Chemotherapy. A sonic shield in a world of evolving challenges.

BONUS 2: Grace Hom's...

Quantum Leap Your Immunity

Supercharge Your Immune System So You’re Safe From Viruses, Infections, And Fears.

9 MP3 Healing Tracks

Explore 9 comprehensive MP3 Healing Tracks. A holistic system designed for peak wellness, featuring anti-viral, bacterial, and fungal remedies, infection clearances, pain release, detox routines, antioxidant infusions, and an activation of your divine health blueprint. Elevate your immunity and embrace robust health!

5 Prerecorded Group Healing Sessions

Dive into 5 enriching prerecorded group sessions. Tackle the root causes of chronic inflammation, infections, and pain. Experience a rejuvenating detox for your immune system, blood, lymphatic system, and interstitial fluids, paving the way for a vibrant and energized state of health.

3 Additional MP3s

Discover 3 bonus MP3s by Grace, tailored to fortify your immunity. Surprisingly, clearing money issues directly impacts your well-being! Additionally, bid farewell to the shackles of chronic fatigue and transform your experience with Fibromyalgia. A holistic approach to wellness beyond the obvious.

BONUS Ozone Session MP3

Boost your defenses with the BONUS Ozone Session MP3. Supercharge your immune system through oxygenated blood and lung tissues, eliminating infections from bacteria, fungi, protozoa, viruses, and yeast. Plus, aid your body in expelling infected cells for a cleaner, healthier you.

BONUS 3: Dawn Kryztal's

Complete Dental Health

Natural Breakthrough That Could Make You Want to Smile Again— Because You Feel Like You Have…Brand New Teeth and Gums!

Energetic Teeth Cleaning MP3

Introducing the Energetic Teeth Cleaning MP3: A revolutionary audio experience to combat tartar, decay, and bacteria. Diminish plaque, gingivitis, and unsightly stains, while fortifying teeth and enhancing their whiteness. Plus, say goodbye to bad breath. It's comprehensive oral care, tuned to perfection!

Healthy Gums MP3

Embrace optimal oral health with the Healthy Gums MP3: A sonic remedy to fortify gum tissue, mend receding gums, and treat mouth infections. Reduce swelling, address ancestral energies contributing to gum problems, and bolster bone strength. Your comprehensive solution for a radiant, resilient smile!

3 MP3s to Heal Root Canals and Your Teeth and Soul & spiritual
Issues associated with Dental Issues.

Discover a trio of MP3s dedicated to holistic dental health: Dive deep to mend cavities, fortify teeth, counteract decay, and rejuvenate chipped or cracked teeth naturally. Delve into ancestral energies, addressing inherited dental dilemmas, and combat mercury contamination. It's not just dental care, it's soulful healing.

Source infusion Dental Healing MP3

Experience the Source Infusion Dental Healing MP3: A luminescent cascade of healing for teeth and gums, rewinding premature dental wear. Immerse in energetic nutrients and frequencies curated for peak dental wellness, along with a divine anti-cavity light wash. Beyond self, expedite healing for your children and cherished pets, rejuvenate past dental work, and empower your entire oral cavity for unparalleled health.

Start Date

The remote healing begins as soon as you join!

You will receive access to the Bliss Up community and all of it's benefits within 24 hours of joining.


Please don’t spend another day suffering unnecessarily.

And if you already live a good life.

One where you don’t experience daily pain.

But there are DREAMS that you fantasize of experiencing.

What are you waiting for?

Bucket list experiences aren’t for your final days.

They’re for RIGHT NOW.

This is THE ONLY place you will have access to EVERYTHING you see on this page...

The pricing and the 3 FREE healing programs.


Bliss Up Is The Most AFFORDABLE Way To Access Daily Energy Healing From Master-Level Healers!

In fact, joining Bliss Up will save you THOUSANDS over hiring Master Healers to work with you privately.

(Even if you could hire one. Some of the really excellent healers are usually booked for quite some time in advance.)

Beyond that, think about this...

That relationship in your life that’s feeling strained? 

(Maybe your daughter hasn’t spoken to you in months, or years.)

What would it be WORTH to have her back in your life again?

That back pain that you wake up with every morning?

(The one that keeps you from getting out of bed some days. Which means you have to call in sick to work and miss out on pay.)

What would it be WORTH to have it gone?

That brain fog that hits every time you sit down to do your work in front of the computer?

(That makes tasks take SO MUCH longer than they need to.)

What would it be WORTH to experience mental clarity all day long instead?

On top of healing the challenges you’re experiencing now…

What would it be WORTH to start living out your lifelong dreams?

To tap into joy, fulfillment, love, creativity, even a full night’s rest…

To start to travel because money is abundant and overflowing…

To naturally experience weight loss because you simply crave less sugar, salt, & fried foods.

What would THAT be worth to you?

I’m willing to bet it’s WAY more than $2.73 a day.

Take Action. Join Now. Save $4000 + Grab 3 Powerful Energy Healing Bonuses!

DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this website is for general information purposes only. Please see a medical professional if you need help with depression, illness, or have any concerns whatsoever.

WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options. SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEBSITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment.

CONSUMER NOTICE: You should assume that Eram Enterprises Inc. has an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to the providers of goods and services mentioned on this page and may be compensated when you purchase from a provider. You should always perform due diligence before buying goods or services from anyone via the Internet or offline.